How to add gif to android studio?
If you’re trying to add gif to your android app and facing difficulties, then this is right place to learn. Today I am going to demonstrate an easy way to add gif to your android app.
Following are the steps required:
1. Create new Project
Click on Create New Project.
It will lead you to new screen where you will find standard templet of Android Application.
Click on Empty Activity and Then Next.
It will lead you to final step, give name to your app and then Finish
your application will look like this.
2. Importing Dependencies
open build.gradle(Module)
Insert the following dependency to build.gradle
file of your project
dependencies {
implementation ‘pl.droidsonroids.gif:android-gif-drawable:1.2.25’
and click on Sync Now.
3. Go back to your layout and paste the following code.
And you have successfully added gif to your android app